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Version: 2.3.0

Install Smart Scaler

This topic describes how to install Smart Scaler using the helm chart.


The current Smart Scaler chart version is 1.5.0.

To install Smart Scaler:

  1. Add the Smart Scaler repo using the following command:

    helm repo add smart-scaler
  2. Install the Smart Scaler agent using the following command:

    helm install smartscaler smart-scaler/smartscaler-agent -f values.yaml -n smart-scaler --create-namespace

Installing the Smart Scaler agent installs:

  • The Event Agent
  • The Inference Agent

The Event Agent is required for autoscaling planned events and contains preconfigured agent and application-specific configuration. It can be used directly or edit the values before using it.

The Inference Agent is required for using the RL-based Smart Scaler. The Inference Agent requires additional configuration and settings.


To configure the Inference Agent collect data correctly for Smart Scaler, contact Avesha Support at for assistance.

Verify the Smart Scaler Repository

To verify if the Smart Scaler repository was added successfully, view the chart using the following command:

helm search repo smart-scaler

Expected Output

NAME                                        CHART VERSION   APP VERSION     DESCRIPTION                           
smart-scaler/smartscaler-agent 1.5.0 1.5.0 Intelligent Autoscaling for Kubernetes